January 2 at 4:42 AM
3/25 - 50XP - 01:18:04
3/21 - 50XP - 01:24:23 - yayyyyy
3/19 - 50XP - 01:03:23 - animated more...... need to do better, do more, put in more of an effort.
3/17 - 0XP - 00:27:06 - >_< I have to try and try and try some more...
3/16 - 0XP - 00:23:39 - inaccurate but whatever
3/15 - 0XP - 00:41:13
3/14 - 0XP - 00:49:58
3/12 - 0XP - 00:40:20 - I was half joking with myself but drawing with my left arm seriously seems alot easier... It makes sense in hindsight, seeing how long my shoulder has been like this, it just tires out way too quickly..
3/9 - 0XP - 00:51:17 - my right shoulder is not in good shape. i have to get surgery for it. gotta learn to draw with my left arm
2/27 - 25XP - Started animating something for monday... on the 28th I focused on chores. Will finish my chores and then keep up with them daily, along with exercising and drawing every day.
2/24 - 150XP - 01:01:18 - Finished an animation, woo hoo. I gotta take care of myself more... That means sleeping properly, taking vitamins, exercising... etcetera...
2/14 - 100XP - 02:08:05 - Worked on that illustration some more... Gotta get my life together a bit...
2/11 - 125XP - 02:32:26 - Got a chunk of an illustration done for special K's birthday. I should draw and also take care of myself.
2/10 - nothin'
2/9 - 125XP - 02:03:06 - Animated more. Finished a bit more of it. Woo hoo. I should draw at least two hours for a bit... This is kinda' suck.
2/8 - 75XP - 01:09:57 - animated more, finished another segment.... almost done with it
2/7 - 50XP - 01:12:52 - yahooo
2/6 - 0XP - 00:22:36 - I'm losin' it.
2/4 - 75XP - 01:08:13 - u_u got a chunk of animation done..
2/3 - 0XP - 00:30:55 - sorry...
2/2 - 50XP - 01:12:25 - I need to draw.
2/1 - 50XP - 01:03:52 - ok... i'll focus.
1/29 - 0XP - 00:20:04 - ehhhh...
1/28 - 50XP - 01:00:23 - animated a little more =3=
1/27 - 50XP - 01:05:04 - mmmm....
1/24 - 0XP - 00:16:43 - Gweh.
1/22 - 200XP - 02:01:44 - Drew and posted something publicly.
1/21 - 50XP - 01:11:03 - OK.... I had something going but I got distracted by too many things... and at the end I just got too tired...
1/20 - 0XP - 00:04:20
1/19 - 50XP - 01:00:58 - Hmmmm..... I've been trying a different mind-set but I think... It's not fitting me at all. I think I'm fucking up my year so far with it. I should FINISH this thing tomorrow.
1/18 - 0XP - 00:36:11 - I didn't even do the strat where I draw what I want for 15 minutes... My relationship with drawing is so complicated ;-;
1/17 - 0XP - 00:32:52 - mann...
1/16 - 50XP - 01:01:57 - grrrr...
1/13 - 0XP - 00:48:03 - I drew a biiiit today.... the other days I didn't draw were full of other things..
1/10 - 0XP - 00:18:00 - I drew veryyyyy little... Today I exercised though, like, ACTUALLY exercised. Not through beat saber or anything, like, I got on my treadmill and stuff. I NEEDED THAT but also I found myself super tuckered out.... also I made stupid decisions that prevented me from drawing... ughh... I'll get there. I WILL draw. I will finish this animation tomorrow.
1/9 - 50XP - 01:34:29 - I drew... I gotta figure myself out.. There's some stuff I'm just not understanding.
1/8 - 0XP - 00:56:32 - ........................... I need to avoid VC or something. I got distracted super hard by cool people... As cool as they are, they are VERY distracting... Also exercised mid-day... maybe I should save the exercise for the beginning of the day.
1/7 - 0XP - ------------ Exercised and did everything BESIDES draw....
1/6 - 0XP - 00:36:39 - mostly chore-oriented day... I must lock-in tomorrow. I need to set some standards for myself.
1/5 - 0XP - 00:00:00 - Did dishes and stuff
1/4 - 100XP - 02:02:04 - yeah coooool
1/3 - 0XP - 00:12:14 - phoo... phoo... phoo
1/2 - 0XP - 00:48:48 - u_u
1/1 - 0XP - 00:00:00 - First day of the year and I'm just tired. slept for twelve hours... Oh god. At the time of writing this it is 1AM. I must be sure to balance my life better if I'm to get farther in life... Mainly on exercise, sleep and a third thing. I'll figure it out.
0XP - F
100XP - D
200XP - C
300XP - B
400XP - A
500XP - S
600XP+ - VB
Every chunk of an animation/comic done - 25XP
Every hour of drawing - 50XP
1 hour of art study - 50XP
Posting art for all to see - 100XP
Previous year
Posted by: Gutsybird |
January 2 at 4:42 AM |
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