Posts by classyfren
Another little comic! This was an idea that was floating around in my head, and it just had to happen! Fun little note, the removal of this after posting it to /v/ happened in seconds! I bear no ill will to the mods, I am just impressed they could manage such speed. Props to them, sincerely! Hope you all enjoy!!!!
Hello there everyone! I stumbled onto some works-in-progress from that tomboy with the messy room image I drew, and because they made a pretty interesting sequence, I organized them into a gif to show how the final image was made! There was a lot of backtracking and erasing involved to find a pose I liked, and though some steps get left out, I hope the process is fun to watch. Enjoy!
Inspired by a thread about emo culture and the 2000's, I wanted to make a cute character that was easily imaginable as part of that. I plan on populating that game with a lot of these designs that get thrown around, so hopefully you'll get to know them all better!! Do you have any fun memories of the emo life?